Tuesday 7 June 2016

The Final Assessment Photographic Shoot- Evaluation

On the 26th May, I completed an almost full run through of the final hair, makeup and costume design. The only elements of the design I did not include were the false nails, as they were not completed in time and the thorn prosthetics and fullers earth. I did not include the thorn prosthetics as they are quite delicate and I did not want to risk damaging them before the final show. I used a different model to the one I have booked for the final show.

 Makeup plan
Prep skin
·         Block brows
·         Apply white aqua colour over brows
·         Apply eye makeup- all shadows, white eye liner
·         Apply base makeup
·         Set
·         Paint lashes white
·         Apply white liner again
·         Apply false lashes- top and bottom
·         Apply lip
·         Apply snow paste to forehead and around eyes
·         Dot aqua colour onto eyes and lips

Evaluation of makeup
I am very pleased with the whole makeup look I deigned and think it turned out better that I expected. After a previous trial which I did on myself resulted in the snow paste mixing with the foundation and pink tones blended onto the face, I did not apply any foundation to the areas where I would late be adding snow paste. I also applied a little less pink lip stick onto the cheek bone area and pressed powder into it to help set it into the skin. I found doing this worked and the snow paste stayed white throughout the application.
I really like all the colours used and the small dot details with the aqua colour, as well as the lip shape, which I will not change.

What I will change
I think I may add a bit of artificial snow onto the areas where the snow paste will be added to add a bit more texture. I will also take it further into the hair.

Hair plan
·         Brush hair through
·         Straighten
·         Brush hair back
·         Back brush with all hair away from face
·         Place headdress and secure in place
·         Pull 1 section of hair from each side round the headdress to cover grips
·         Apply snow paste

Evaluation of hair
I am pleased with how the hair looked in relation to the theme and costume design. I like the way the straight hair ends fell between the icicles on the shoulders of the costume so I am pleased I opted to keep the hair worn down. I also think having the hair poker straight coincided nicely with the straight lines of the headdress and the icicles.

What I will change
Dependent on my models hair on the day, I may backcomb the top section of the hair directly behind the tiara to help disguise the back part of it.

Costume plan
·         Apply pros-aide to shoulders and neck
·         Apply pros-aide to shoulders and neck of costume
·         Lay onto skin
·         Apply pros-aide to sides of costume and skin
·         Step model into skirt

Evaluation of costume
I found working with the tiara and skirt easy and will not have to change anything to my design. However, I am a little worried about the top piece I have made as it did not fit the model I used for the photo shoot as she was bigger than the model I have booked for the final show. Due to this, I have asked my model to send me some specific measurements from her shoulders so I can alter the piece in time if need be. 


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