Tuesday 7 June 2016

Hair and Makeup Inspiration...


As I was aware that I wanted to incorporate pink tones/rose features and snow/ice into the makeup, I decided to look at various high fashion makeup designs of both snow and flower themes to generate ideas for the final makeup look.

When researching different ice/snow makeup looks, the majority of the looks consist of pale skin alongside ice blue tones, which I do not want to incorporate into my design. However, image 4 denotes how pink tones can be incorporated into a snow design and work. I really like the use of rosy cheeks to emphasize a wintery and cold look and the bold lip adds some feminine glamour into the look.

I also really like the effect caused by using white eye lases. I think they add a real frosty feel to the look, adding to the powerful ice queen vibe that I want to emit through my design.

As I want the overall look of my character to be strong, beautiful and powerful, I do not want to paint the full face white and create a theatrical/scary looking piece, so I plan to incorporate white tones into the makeup in a different way.

I then looked at makeup looks interpreting flower themes to see how I could merge the ice/snow and flower looks together.

Above, I have collated a selection of images that incorporate the use of flower petals into the makeup look. I really like the use of texture and colour on the face and how simply laying petals onto the face can have a dramatic effect. I also really like Karla Powell's makeup design that involved placing petals on the lip. I think it is original to aim the focus of the makeup to the lip by adding something different as in a bold colour, design or texture.

I applied the same research method when looking at hair designs. I looked at ice/snow and rose inspired hairstyles.

I really like the different styles that have been created to enhance a snow theme. And as with fashion and textiles, texture is used widely when recreating or enhancing snow effects. I really like image 4, which looks like aqua colour and gel has been used to add colour and texture into the hair, so I may generate ideas from this into my design. I also like the images which show messy/back brushed hair, as it looks more natural and closer to nature.

I then looked at images that used flowers as a design theme to generate ideas...

After looking at these images, I have decided that I would rather incorporate more or a theme linked to snow/ice and weather into my hair design as I don't think the intricate and well detailed petal shapes in the hair would suit my design, as I want it to be more edgy. However, I do like the idea of flowers in the hair rather that the hair looking like flowers. 


Snow makeup moodbard
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Flower makeup moodboard
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Snow hair moodboard
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Flower hair moodboard
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