Tuesday 7 June 2016

Making The Headdress

I used the same method and materials that I had used to make the top to make the headdress. The only difference was how I applied the materials. Instead of sporadically drizzling the gelatine and hot glue over one another, I guided them upwards in straight lines. I did this to coincide with the icicles that sat on the shoulders on the top piece.

I used a plastic tray, which I coated with linear layers of gelatine. I then applied the same technique using hot glue and coated with a mixture of pva glue and glitter. To further decorate, I applied broken glass pieces, diamantes and artificial snow. Once dry, I gently picked up an end piece and pulled it away from the tray as I dusted talc underneath to stop it sticking to itself.

I then used hot glue to attach it to a plastic tiara I already had. 

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