Sunday 23 November 2014

21.10.14 Shampooing and Conditioning Techniques Blow Drying Techniques


Shampooing and Conditioning Techniques
Blow Drying Techniques

Lesson objective: to successful apply effleurage, rotary and petrissage massage movements when washing hair and using the correct blow-drying techniques to achieve straight shiny hair.

Tools used

  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Large Comb
  • Radial brush or Denman
  • Sectioning clips
  • Mousse
  • Hair dryer
  • Towles
Blow drying.
When blow drying hair, it is important to section. This makes the drying process easier to avoid tangling and also ensure any wet hair is kept away from dry sections. The dryer must not be left on a section of the hair for too long to avoid burning the hair or scalp and the dryer must be pointed downwards to ensure the cuticle scales lie down. To aid hydrogen bonds to harden into the new shape created by blow drying, it is best to allow the hair to cool before dressing.

I began by making sure my models clothing was protected with towels before getting comfortable at the basin. I asked my model, Alicja, if she had any skin conditions or concerns before wetting the hair. It is important to ensure your safety, as well as the clients to reduce any skin damage or spread disease. Hair and skin conditions can vary from different forms of alopecia, folliculitis and impetigo. Treatment would be needed for folliculitis and impetigo.

After her hair was fully saturated, I shampooed the hair, applying effleurage and rotary massage movements, making sure to cover the nape of her neck, as this area can sometimes be forgotten. Usually, shampoo would be rinsed and re-applied but Alicja had washed her hair that morning, so I only applied shampoo once before conditioning. 
I smoothed the conditioner over her hair (which I gently rung out) before applying the petrissage massage movement. 
I rinsed the conditioner out; making sure my hand stopped any water from going onto her face, until the water run clear. I wrapped her hair in a towel and escorted her to her seat to begin blow-drying. 
I gently combed her hair through to remove any tangles, as her hair is very long then rough dried her hair. This makes the hair more manageable for drying and speeds up the drying process. After doing so, I sectioned her hair, no wider than my radial brush i was using and began drying, ensuring my brush and the hair dryer was aiming downwards. This would make the hair straight and shiny, as the hair cuticle is flattened. 

Front Before
Back before
Overall, I felt confident washing and blow drying Alicja's hair. Having previous experience in a salon aided my salon etiquette and guaranteed I completed in time, although her her was very long and thick! I applied a new technique, shown to me by my tutor, Emma. It involved holding the brush on top of the hair and pulling down while aiming the blow drying downwards. This technique worked very well and i would like to practice this further and pick up my speed with this technique. My model was very pleased with the finished result. 

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