Monday 18 May 2015

Inspirational Makeup Artist- Tribal Themes

When researching editorial takes on tribal makeup designs, I came across an editorial called Abracadabra in Vogue Italia (March 2014). Although the feature, photographed by Steven Meisel and featturing the model Saskia de Brauw came under scrutiny for it's use of featuring a Caucasian model donning tribal makeup for being offensive. I looked at this particular feature from an artistic point of view and I think the overall feel was edgy and shocking, which is what I enjoy he most about fashion and makeup. I found the use of colour and texture in the makeup was inspiring. I then decided to search who the makeup artist was for this shoot and it was none other than my favourite- Pat McGrath. I think the use of rusty reds she used, alongside the textures were applied beautifully to be reminiscent to the tribal face paint applied by many tribes by using clay and crushed red rock. Her use of bright colours added warmth and vibrancy. I think the change of textures in the makeup is very effective when following a trial theme and I would like to incorporate different textures into my final makeup look after finding this feature.

Ugh: White Model Dons Tribal-Style Face Paint for Vogue Italia Shoot

Different textures created by Pat McGrath.


Image 1-, (2015). [online] Available at:,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/t7eipvlyrqskpy9cwckp.jpg [Accessed 8 May 2015].
Image 2-, (2015). [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 May 2015].
Image 3-, (2015). [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 May 2015].
Video- Anon, (2015). [image] Available at: [Accessed 8 May 2015].

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